Lecture 4 : Revision

Quiz Topic Nmae

No. of Question: 50 Total Time: 30 Min

Standrad Instruction

  • Before beginning the exam:
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    • 2. Make sure you have a good internet connection.

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    • 4. If you are taking the exam late in the day, it is recommended that you reboot your computer before beginning to free up memory resources from other programs on your computer.

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    • 6. Enter the Blackboard course using Firefox or Chrome or Internet Explorar. Do not use any other internet browser.

    • 7. Maximize your browser window before starting the Quiz. Minimizing the browser window during the exam can prevent the submission of your exam.

    • 8. When you begin the exam click the link only ONCE to launch the Quiz. Double clicking can lock the Quiz.

    • 9. When ready to begin, click on the “Start Quiz” Button to open the exam.

    • 10. You will have 30 minutes to complete your exam.

    • 11. The exam must be completed in one sitting.

    • 12. Answer all questions in the exam.(No Negetive Marking is Here...)

  • During the exam:
    • 1. Do not resize (minimize) the browser during the Quiz.

    • 2. Never click the “Back” button on the browser. This will take you out of the Quiz and prevent Edumate from tracking your selected answers.

    • 3. Avoid using the scroll button on your mouse if present.

    • 4. Click the “Submit” button to submit your exam. Do not press “Enter” on the keyboard to submit the exam.


Lecture 4:
In the last class, we had completed our Chapter 5 Arithmetic progressions. Now today, you are going to revise the whole chapter through summary of the chapter, key points and practice paper, HOTS 
Please go through all the topics which we had studied till now, their notes. Properly do the assignments, watch videos of the concerned topics.
If you have any doubt about any topic/point please submit it in the discussion section... it will be answered as soon as possible.
Now ...you can attempt quiz given of this chapter to check your concept clearance about the chapter 
