• Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 13

    What is electrode potential?

    Uploaded bysunilsunil         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 18

    What is the effect of temperature on molar conductivity?

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 20

    Name the factor on which emf of a cell depends:- 

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  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 23

    What is the electrolyte used in a dry cell? 

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 24

    How is cell constant calculated from conductance values?

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 25

    What flows in the internal circuit of a galvanic cell. 

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  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 26

    Define electrochemical series.

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 57

    Suggest a way to determine the value of water

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 63

    Can you store copper sulphate solutions in a zinc pot?

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Description:-

    Lecture 5: Revison
    In the last class, we had completed our Chapter-3 Electrochemistry. Now today, you are going to revise the whole chapter through summary of the chapter, key points and practice paper, HOTS 
    Please go through all the topics which we had studied till now, their notes. Properly do the assignments, watch videos of the concerned topics.
    If you have any doubt about any topic/point please submit it in the discussion section... it will be answered as soon as possible.
    Now ...you can attempt quiz given of this chapter to check your concept clearance about the chapter.
