• Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 20

    Differentiate between Red, Brown & Green algae.

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 21

    What are ferns? Describe its salient features.

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 22

    List common modes of reproduction in Algae?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 23

    How would you distinguish between monocots & dicots?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 24

    What are gymnosperms? What are its four classes?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 25

    What is heterospory? What is its significance?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 26

    Tabulate differences between Gymnosperm & pteridophytes

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 27

    What are the two main classes of bryophytes?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 28

    Where are the antheridia & archaegonia located in ferns?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 30

    Classify plant kingdom?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 31

    Describe the important characterslics of gymnosperms?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 33

    Mention some of the uses of ferns?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 34

    What is the difference between syngamy & triple fusion?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 35

    What is the role of capsule in life history of moss?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 37

    Name any red algae which is used as vegetables?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 38

    What are cone bearing plants called?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 39

    Describe the common mode of reproduction in Angiosperms.

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 42

    List any three characterstic features of Bryophytes.

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 44

    How do fungi differs from algae ?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 45

    What is a cone ?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 46

    Which groups of plants is called vascular cryptogam ?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 50

    Describe the main features of pteridophytes?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 52

    List four classes of plants belonging to fern group.

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 53

    What are rhizoids?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 54

    Why some bryophytes are called liverworts.

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 55

    Name a unicellular algae.

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 56

    Explain the life cycle in green algae?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 58

    Explain in brief the structure of prothallus of fern?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 59

    Give some important features of dicots?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 60

    Differentiate between Red algae & brown algae?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 61

    What features led to dominance of vascular plants?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 63

    Name seedless vascular plants.

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 64

    Describe the important characteristics of gymnosperms.

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 65

    How would you distinguish monocots from dicots?

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  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Assignments 74

    What is the basis of classification of algae?

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  • Description:-

    Lecture 3: Revison
    In the last class, we had completed our Chapter 3  – Plant Kingdom. Now today, you are going to revise the whole chapter through summary of the chapter, key points and practice paper, HOTS 
    Please go through all the topics which we had studied till now, their notes. Properly do the assignments, watch videos of the concerned topics.
    If you have any doubt about any topic/point please submit it in the discussion section... it will be answered as soon as possible.
    Now ...you can attempt quiz given of this chapter to check your concept clearance about the chapter.
