Chapter-3 Electrochemistry

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 13

    What is electrode potential?

    Uploaded bysunilsunil         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 18

    What is the effect of temperature on molar conductivity?

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 20

    Name the factor on which emf of a cell depends:- 

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 23

    What is the electrolyte used in a dry cell? 

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 24

    How is cell constant calculated from conductance values?

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 25

    What flows in the internal circuit of a galvanic cell. 

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 26

    Define electrochemical series.

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 57

    Suggest a way to determine the value of water

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

  • Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Assignments 63

    Can you store copper sulphate solutions in a zinc pot?

    Uploaded bysandeepsandeep         View Answer

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