Chapter-5. INDIGO Louis Fischer(PROSE)

  • Chapter-5. INDIGO Louis Fischer(PROSE) Assignments 1

    Suggest a possible settlement.

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  • Chapter-5. INDIGO Louis Fischer(PROSE) Assignments 2


    Present your arguments.

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  • Chapter-5. INDIGO Louis Fischer(PROSE) Assignments 3

    Find out the facts of the case.

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  • Chapter-5. INDIGO Louis Fischer(PROSE) Assignments 11


    How was Gandhi able to influence lawyers? Give instances.

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  • Chapter-5. INDIGO Louis Fischer(PROSE) Assignments 13

    How did the episode change the plight of the peasants?

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  • Chapter-5. INDIGO Louis Fischer(PROSE) Assignments 14

    Why did Gandhi agree to a settlement of 25 per cent refund to the farmers?

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  • Chapter-5. INDIGO Louis Fischer(PROSE) Assignments 18

    Why do you think the servants thought Gandhi to be another peasant?

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  • Chapter-5. INDIGO Louis Fischer(PROSE) Assignments 19


    Why is Rajkumar Shukla described as being 'resolute'?

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