Chapter-4. A THING OF BEAUTY John Keats(POETRY)

  • Chapter-4. A THING OF BEAUTY John Keats(POETRY) Assignments 1


    What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth?

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  • Chapter-4. A THING OF BEAUTY John Keats(POETRY) Assignments 3

    Why is 'grandeur' associated with the 'mighty dead'?

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  • Chapter-4. A THING OF BEAUTY John Keats(POETRY) Assignments 4

    What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?

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  • Chapter-4. A THING OF BEAUTY John Keats(POETRY) Assignments 6

    List the things that cause suffering and pain.

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  • Chapter-4. A THING OF BEAUTY John Keats(POETRY) Assignments 7


    List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.

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  • Chapter-4. A THING OF BEAUTY John Keats(POETRY) Assignments 8

    What pleasure does a beautiful thing give us? Are beautiful things worth treasuring?

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